Shawnee County CDDO

Eligibility For Services And Supports

Eligibility Determination is the first step to accessing services in Shawnee County.

Contact Michelle Shirey at (785) 506-8677 to request an Eligibility Application Packet. You may also print a copy of the packet below.

Print/Download Eligibility Application Packet (English)

Print/Download Eligibility Application Packet (Spanish)

To receive services and supports paid for by federal or state funds from KDADS, persons must meet specific eligibility criteria outlined in this section. It is the responsibility of the CDDO to ensure persons supported by I/DD funds administered by KDADS meet these criteria, however, the CDDO may also hold each of its affiliates responsible for ensuring this. Use of KDADS administered I/DD funds to provide services and supports to persons who do not meet the eligibility criteria may result in recoupment of those funds.

Consistent with L. 1995, Chap. 234 (Substitute for H.B. 2458) persons who are I/DD or otherwise developmentally disabled are those whose condition presents an extreme variation in capabilities from the general population which manifests itself in the developmental years resulting in a need of life long interdisciplinary services. This identifies those who, among all person with disabilities, are the most disabled as defined below:

Intellectual Disability means substantial limitations in present functioning that is manifested during the period from birth to age 18 years and is characterized by significantly sub-average intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior including related limitations in three or more of the following applicable adaptive skill areas:

  • Communication
  • Self-Care
  • Home Living
  • Social Skills
  • Community Use
  • Self-Direction
  • Health and Safety
  • Functional Academics
  • Leisure
  • Work

Diagnosis of Intellectual Disability made by a licensed healthcare professional duly credentialed to make such diagnosis.

Other developmental disability means a condition such as autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or other similar physical or mental impairment (or a dual diagnosis of intellectual/developmental disability and mental illness) and is evidenced by a severe and chronic disability which:

  1. is attributed to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments. AND
  2. is manifested before the age of 22, AND
  3. is likely to continue indefinitely, AND
  4. results in substantial limitations in any three or more of the following areas of life functioning:
    1. self-care
    2. understanding and the use of language
    3. learning and adapting
    4. mobility
    5. self-direction in setting goals and undertaking activities to accomplish those goals
    6. living independently
    7. economic self-sufficiency, AND

      to further clarify substantial functional limitations, the CDDO may, but is not required to use the Eligibility Determination Instrument (EDI) or other professionally accepted, standardized methods of Functional Assessment.
  5. reflects a need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary or genetic care, treatment or other services which are lifelong, or extended in duration and are individually planned and coordinated. AND
  6. does not include individuals who are solely severely emotionally disturbed or seriously and persistently mentally ill or have disabilities solely as a result of infirmities of aging.

For children under the age of eight, developmental disability means a severe, chronic disability which:

  1. is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments, AND
  2. is likely to continue indefinitely, AND
  3. results in at least three developmental delays as measured by qualified professionals using appropriate diagnostic instruments or procedures, AND
  4. reflects a need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment or other services which are lifelong, or extended in duration are individually planned and coordinated, AND
  5. does not include individuals who are solely severely emotionally disturbed or seriously and persistently mentally ill.


The CDDO shall assure that all persons receiving state and/or federal funds meet the I/DD eligibility definition.

To receive ICF-I/DD or HCBS/I/DD waiver services an individual must meet the eligilibity criteria outlined by the State of Kansas per the Developmental Disability Reform Act. Please CLICK HERE to visit their site.

If determined ineligible, a person shall have the right to request reconsideration of the eligibility determination by a third party. The request must be in writing and forwarded to Shawnee County CDDO Liaison, 2701 SW Randolph Ave., Topeka, KS 66611.

If upon reconsideration by a third party the person remains ineligible, the person shall have the right to an appeal. The appeal must be filed in writing within 30 days of the ineligible notice and sent to:

Administration Hearings Section
1020 S. Kansas Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612